Zur Person
Etage/Raum: 00.52
Zimmermann, E. (2021). Sensorimotor serial dependencies in head movements.Journalof Neurophysiology,126(3), 913-923. doi: 10.1152/jn.00231.2021
Wiesing, M., Kartashova, T., & Zimmermann, E. (2021). Adaptation of pointing andvisual localization in depth around the natural grasping distance. Journal ofNeurophysiology, 125(6), 2206-2218. doi:
Knoetsch, F., & Zimmermann, E. (2021). The spatial specificity of sensory attenuationfor self-touch. Consciousness and Cognition, 92, 103135. doi:
Cont, C., & Zimmermann, E. (2020). The motor representation of sensory experience.Current Biology.
Zimmermann, E., Ghio, M., Pergola, G., Koch, B., Schwarz, M., & Bellebaum, C. (2020). Separate and overlapping functional roles for efference copies in the human thalamus. Neuropsychologia, 107558. Advance online publication.
Zimmermann, E., & Cicchini, G. M. (2020). Temporal Context affects interval timing at the perceptual level. Scientific reports, 10(1), 8767.
Chota, S., McLelland, D., Lavergne, L., Zimmermann, E., Cavanagh, P., & VanRullen, R. (2020). Full Field Masking Causes Reversals in Perceived Event Order. Frontiers in neuroscience, 14, 217.
Zimmermann E. (2020). Saccade suppression depends on context. eLife, 9, e49700.
Storch, D, Zimmermann, E (2019) The effect of space on subjective time is mediated by apparent velocity. Journal of Vision 19(14):19. doi:
Zimmermann, E, Morrone, M.C., Binda, P. (2018). Perception during double-step saccades. Sci Rep 10;8(1):320.
Zimmermann, E. (2018). Small numbers are sensed directly, high numbers constructed from size and density. Cognition, 173:1-7.
Zimmermann, E., Weidner, R., Fink, G.R. (2017). Spatiotopic updating of visual feature information. J Vis. 17(12):6.
Bonkhoff, A.K., Zimmermann, E., Fink, G.R. (2017). Veridical stimulus localization is linked to human area V5/MT+ activity. Neuroimage. 156:377-387.
Derichs, E., Zimmermann, E. (2016) Temporal binding of interval markers. Sci. Rep. 6, 38806, 1-11.
Zimmermann, E. (2016). Spatiotopic buildup of target representation depends on target size. J Vis. 16(15):11, 1–8.
Zimmermann, E., Weidner, R., Abdollahi, R., Fink, G.R. (2016). Spatiotopic adaptation in visual areas. Journal of Neuroscience 14;36(37):9526-34.
Zimmermann, E., Fink, G.R. (2016). Numerosity perception after size and duration adaptation. Scientific reports 21;6:32810.
Zimmermann, E., Lappe, M. (2016) Visual Space Constructed by Saccade Motor Maps. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 18;10:225.
Zimmermann, E., Derichs, C., Fink, G.R. (2016) The functional role of time compression. Sci. Rep. 6, 25843, 1-8.