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Zur Person

M. Sc. Dana Huvermann
Building: 23.03
Floor/Room: 00.91
+49 211 81-12268
+40 211 81-11753



Berlijn, A. M., Huvermann, D. M., Schneider, S., Bellebaum, C., Timmann, D., Minnerop, M., & Peterburs, J. (2024). The Role of the Human Cerebellum for Learning from and Processing of External Feedback in Non-Motor Learning: A Systematic Review. The Cerebellum, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12311-024-01669-y

Huvermann DM, Bellebaum C, Peterburs J (2021). Selective Devaluation Affects the Processing of Preferred Rewards. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 21: 1010-1025.

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