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Egan, S., Seidel, A., Weber, C., Ghio, M., & Bellebaum, C. (2024). Fifty Percent of the Time, Tones Come Every Time: Stronger Prediction Error Effects on Neurophysiological Sensory Attenuation for Self-generated Tones. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-17, 36(10), 2067–2083.
Weber, C., & Bellebaum, C. (2024). Prediction-error-dependent processing of immediate and delayed positive feedback. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 9674.
Berlijn, A. M., Huvermann, D. M., Schneider, S., Bellebaum, C., Timmann, D., Minnerop, M., & Peterburs, J. (2024). The Role of the Human Cerebellum for Learning from and Processing of External Feedback in Non-Motor Learning: A Systematic Review. The Cerebellum, 1-20.
Berlijn, A. M., Huvermann, D. M., Groiss, S. J., Schnitzler, A., Mittelstaedt, M., Bellebaum, C., Timmann, D., Minnerop, M., & Peterburs, J. (2024). The effect of cerebellar TMS on error processing: A combined single-pulse TMS and ERP Study. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1–19.
Vahedi, J., Mundorf, A., Bellebaum, C., & Peterburs, J. (2024). Emotional cues reduce Pavlovian interference in feedback-based go and nogo learning. Psychological Research, 1-19.
Albrecht, C, Bellebaum, C (2023). Slip or Fallacy? Effects of Error Severity on Own and Observed Pitch Error Processing in Pianists. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience.
Egan, S., Ghio, M., & Bellebaum, C. (2023). Auditory N1 and P2 Attenuation in Action Observation: An Event-Related Potential Study Considering Effects of Temporal Predictability and Individualism. Biological Psychology, 108575.
Albrecht C, van de Vijver R, Bellebaum C (2023). Learning new words via feedback—Association between feedback-locked ERPs and recall performance—An exploratory study. Psychophysiology, 00: e14324.
Seidel, A., Weber, C., Ghio, M., & Bellebaum, C. (2023). My view on your actions: Dynamic changes in viewpoint-dependent auditory ERP attenuation during action observation. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 23(4), 1175-1191.
Metzlaff J, Finis J, Münchau A, Müller-Vahl K, Schnitzler A, Bellebaum C, Biermann-Ruben K, Niccolai V (in Druck). Altered performance monitoring in Tourette Syndrome: an MEG investigation. Scientific Reports
Ghio M, Conca F, Bellebaum C, Perani D, Tettamanti M (2022). Effective connectivity within the neural system for object-directed action representation during aware and unaware tool processing. Cortex, 153: 55-65.
Albrecht C, Bellebaum C (2021). Disentangling effects of expectancy, accuracy, and empathy on the processing of observed actions. Psychophysiology, 58: e13883.
Huvermann DM, Bellebaum C, Peterburs J (2021). Selective Devaluation Affects the Processing of Preferred Rewards. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 21: 1010-1025.
Bechtold L, Bellebaum C, Hoffman P, Ghio M (2021). Corroborating behavioral evidence for the interplay of representational richness and semantic control in semantic word processing. Scientific Reports, 11: 6184.
Seidel A, Ghio M, Studer B, Bellebaum C (2021). Illusion of control affects ERP amplitude reductions for auditory outcomes of self-generated actions. Psychophysiology, 58: e13792.
Peterburs J, Albrecht C, Bellebaum C (2021). The impact of social anxiety on feedback-based go and nogo learning. Psychological Research, 86: 110:124
Ghio M, Egan S, Bellebaum C (2021). Similarities and Differences between Performers and Observers in Processing Auditory Action Consequences: Evidence from Simultaneous EEG Acquisition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33: 683-694.
Albrecht C, Bellebaum C (2021). Effects of trait empathy and expectation on the processing of observed actions. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 21: 156-171.
Junker FB, Schlaffke L, Bellebaum C, Ghio M, Brühl S, Axmacher N, Schmidt-Wilcke T. Transition From Sublexical to Lexico-Semantic Stimulus Processing. (2020). Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 14:522384.
Zimmermann E, Ghio M, Pergola G, Koch B, Schwarz M, Bellebaum C. (in Druck). Separate and overlapping functional roles for efference copies in the human thalamus. Neuropsychologia
Schenk S, Bellebaum C, Lech RK, Heinen R, Suchan B. (2020). Play to Win: Action Video Game Experience and Attention Driven Perceptual Exploration in Categorization Learning. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:933.
Peterburs, J., Frieling, A., Bellebaum, C. Asymmetric coupling of action and outcome valence in active and observational feedback learning. Psychological Research (in Druck).
Bellebaum C, Ghio M, Wollmer M, Weismüller B, Thoma P. (2020). The role of trait empathy in the processing of observed actions in a false-belief task. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 15:53-61.
Paul M, Bellebaum C, Ghio M, Suchan B, Wolf OT. (2020). Stress Effects on Learning and Feedback-Related Neural Activity Depend on Feedback Delay. Psychophysiology. 132:107139.
Peterburs J, Sannemann L, Bellebaum C (2019). Subjective preferences differentially modulate the processing of rewards gained by own vs. observed choices. Neuropsychologia. 132:107139.
Weismüller B, Kullmann J, Hoenen M, Bellebaum C (2019). Effects of feedback delay and agency on feedback-locked beta and theta power during reinforcement learning. Psychophysiology. 56:e13428. CrossRef
Bechtold L, Ghio M, Antoch G, Turowski B, Wittsack H J, Tettamanti M, Bellebaum C (2019). How words get meaning: The neural processing of novel object names after sensorimotor training. Neuroimage. 197:284-294. CrossRef
Ngo T, Ghio M, Kuchinke L, Roser P, Bellebaum C (2019). Moral decision making under modafinil: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind crossover fMRI study. Psychopharmacology. 236: 2747-59 CrossRef
Hauser MFA, Wieschollek V, Colitti-Klausnitzer J, Bellebaum C, Manahan-Vaughan D (2019). Event-related potentials evoked by passive visuospatial perception in rats and humans reveal common denominators in information processing. Brain Structure and Function. 224:1583-15997. CrossRef
Voegler R, Peterburs J, Bellebaum C, Straube T (2019). Modulation of feedback processing by social context in social anxiety disorder (SAD) - an event-related potentials (ERPs) study. Scientific Reports. 9:4795. CrossRef
Bechtold L, Bellebaum C, Egan S, Tettamanti M, Ghio M (2019). The role of experience for abstract concepts: Expertise modulates the electrophysiological correlates of mathematical word processing. Brain and Language. 188:1-10. CrossRef
Bechtold L, Ghio M, Bellebaum C (2018). The effect of training-induced visual imageability on electrophysiological correlates of novel word processing. Biomedicines, Special Issue:
Neural Mechanisms of Learning. 6:pii:E75. CrossRef
Weismüller B, Ghio M, Logmin K, Hartmann C, Schnitzler A, Pollok B, Südmeyer M, Bellebaum C (2018). Effects of feedback delay on learning from positive and negative feedback in patients with Parkinson's disease off medication. Neuropsychologia. 117:46-54. CrossRef
Bechtold L, Ghio M, Lange J, Bellebaum C (2018). Event-Related Desynchronization of mu and beta oscillations during the Processing of Novel Tool Names. Brain and Language. 177-178:44-55. CrossRef
Ghio M, Scharmach K, Bellebaum C. (2018). ERP correlates of processing the auditory consequences of own vs. observed actions. Psychophysiology 55:e13048. CrossRef
Fang J, Rüther N, Bellebaum C, Wiskott L, Cheng S (2018). The interaction between semantic representation and episodic memory. Neural Computation. 30:293-332. CrossRef
Schlaffke L, Schweizer LM, Rüther N, Luerding R, Tegenthoff M, Bellebaum C, Schmidt-Wilcke T. (2017). Dynamic changes of resting state connectivity related to the acquisition of a lexico-semantic skill. Neuroimage. 146:429-437. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Kuchinke L, Roser P (2017). Modafinil alters decision making based on feedback history – a randomized placebo-controlled double blind study in humans. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 31:243-249. CrossRef
Weismüller B, Bellebaum C (2016). Expectancy Affects the Feedback-Related Negativity (FRN) for Delayed Feedback in Probabilistic Learning. Psychophysiology. 53:1739-1750. CrossRef
Meissner SN, Südmeyer M, Keitel A, Pollok B, Bellebaum C. (2016). Facilitating effects of deep brain stimulation on feedback learning in Parkinson's disease. Behavioural Brain Research. 313:88-96. CrossRef
Seidel UK, Gronewold J, Wicking M, Bellebaum C Hermann DM. (2016). Vascular risk factors and associated diseases modulate deficits of reward-based reversal learning in acute basal ganglia stroke. Plos One. 11:e0155267. CrossRef
Ghio M, Schulze P, Suchan B, Bellebaum C. (2016). Neural representations of novel objects associated with olfactory experience. Behavioural Brain Research. 308:143-51. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Kobza S, Ferrea S, Schnitzler A, Pollok B, Südmeyer M. (2016). Strategies in probabilistic feedback learning in Parkinson patients OFF Medication. Neuroscience. 320:8-18. CrossRef
Peterburs J, Kobza S, Bellebaum C. (2016). Feedback delay gradually affects amplitude and valence specificity of the feedback-related negativity (FRN). Psychophysiology. 53:209-15. CrossRef
Thoma P, Norra C, Juckel G, Suchan B, Bellebaum C. (2015). Performance monitoring and empathy during active and observational learning in patients with major depression. Biol Psychol. 109:222-31. CrossRef
Schlaffke L, Rüther NN, Heba S, Haag L, Tegenthoff M, Bellebaum C, Schmidt-Wilcke T. (2015). From perceptual to lexico-semantic analysis – cortical plasticity enabling new levels of processing. Human Brain Mapping. Hum Brain Mapp. 36: 4512-28. CrossRef
Rustemeier M, Koch B, Schwarz M, Bellebaum C. (2015). Processing of Positive and Negative Feedback in Patients with Cerebellar Lesions. Cerebellum. CrossRef
Glienke K, Wolf OT, Bellebaum C. (2015). The impact of stress on feedback and error processing during behavioral adaptation. Neuropsychologia. 71: 181-90. CrossRef
Peterburs J, Thürling M, Rustemeier M, Göricke S, Suchan B, Timmann D, Bellebaum C. (2015). A cerebellar role in performance monitoring - evidence from EEG and voxel-based morphometry in patients with cerebellar degenerative disease. Neuropsychologia. 68: 139-47. CrossRef
Thoma P, Edel MA, Suchan B, Bellebaum C. (2015). Probabilistic reward learning in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - an electrophysiological study. Psychiatry Research. 225: 133-44. CrossRef
Kobza S, Bellebaum C. (2015). Processing of action- but not stimulus-related prediction errors differs between active and observational feedback learning. Neuropsychologia. 66: 75-87. CrossRef
Jokisch D, Roser P, Juckel G, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2014). Impairments in learning by monetary rewards and alcohol associated rewards in detoxified alcoholic patients". Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 38: 1947 – 54. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Colosio M. (2014). From Feedback- to Response-based Performance Monitoring in Active and Observational Learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26: 2111 – 27. CrossRef
Pergola G, Bellebaum C, Suchan B. (2014). First come, last primed: FN400 reflects post-encoding editing of the memory trace. Behavioural Brain Research. 266: 63-76. CrossRef
Rüther NN, Tettamanti M, Cappa SF, Bellebaum C. (2014). Observed manipulation enhances left fronto-parietal activations in the processing of unfamiliar tools. PLoS One, e99401. CrossRef
Rüther NN, Brown EC, Klepp A, Bellebaum C. (2014). Observed Manipulation of Novel Tools leads to Mu Rhythm Suppression over Sensory-Motor Cortices. Behavioural Brain Research. 261: 328-35. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Brodmann K, Thoma P. (2014). Active and observational reward learning in adults with autism spectrum disorder: relationship with empathy in an atypical sample. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 19: 205-25. CrossRef
Peterburs J, Suchan B, Bellebaum C. (2013). You do the math: Coding of bets and outcomes in a gambling task in the feedback-related negativity and P300 in healthy adults. PlosOne, e81262. CrossRef
Rak N, Bellebaum C, Thoma P. (2013). Empathy and feedback processing in active and observational learning. Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 13: 869-84. CrossRef
Thoma P, Bellebaum C. (2013). Factors mediating performance monitoring in humans-from context to personality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7: 23. CrossRef
Pergola G, Bellebaum C, Gehlhaar B, Koch B, Schwarz M, Daum I, Suchan B. (2013). The Involvement of the Thalamus in Semantic Retrieval: A Clinical Group Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25: 872-86. CrossRef
Kobza S, Bellebaum C. (2013). Mediofrontal event-related potentials following observed actions reflect an action prediction error. European Journal of Neuroscience. 37: 1435-40. CrossRef
Rustemeier M, Schwabe L, Bellebaum C. (2013). On the relationship between learning strategy and feedback processing in the Weather Prediction Task – Evidence from event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia. 51: 695-703. CrossRef
Peterburs J. Koch B, Schwarz M, Hoffmann KP, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2013). Cortical processing of saccade-related efference copy signals in cerebellar lesion patients. European Journal of Neuroscience. 37: 804-15. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Tettamanti M, Marchetta E, Della Rosa P, Rizzo G, Daum I, Cappa SF. (2013). Neural representations of unfamiliar objects are modulated by sensorimotor experience. Cortex. 49: 1110-25. CrossRef
Peterburs J, Koch B, Schwarz M, Hoffmann KP, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2013). Updating of visual space across horizontal saccades in cerebellar and thalamic lesion patients. Cerebellum. 12: 1-15. CrossRef
Kobza S, Ferrea S, Schnitzler A, Pollok B, Südmeyer M, Bellebaum C. (2012). Dissociation between Active and Observational Learning from Positive and Negative Feedback in Parkinsonism, PLoS One. 7: e50250. CrossRef
Rustemeier M, Römling J, Czybulka C, Reymann G, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2012). Learning from positive and negative monetary feedback in patients with alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 36: 560-73. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Rustemeier M, Daum I. (2012). Positivity effect in healthy aging in observational but not active feedback-learning. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 19: 402-20. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I, Suchan B. (2012). Mechanisms of cerebellar contributions to cognition in humans. WIREs: Cognitive Science. 3: 171-84. CrossRef
Thoma P, Bellebaum C. (2012). Your Error's Got me Feeling - How Empathy Relates to the Electrophysiological Correlates of Performance Monitoring. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6: 135. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Jokisch D, Gizewski ER, Forsting M, Daum I. (2012). The Neural Coding of Expected and Unexpected Monetary Performance Outcomes: Dissociations between Active and Observational Learning. Behavioural Brain Research. 227: 241-51. CrossRef
Peterburs J, Gajda K, Koch B, Schwarz M, Hoffmann KP, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2012). Cerebellar lesions alter performance monitoring on the antisaccade task - an event-related potentials study. Neuropsychologia. 50: 379-89. CrossRef
Kobza S, Thoma P, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2011). The feedback-related negativity is modulated by feedback probability in observational learning. Behavioural Brain Research. 225: 396-404. CrossRef
Peterburs J, Pergola G, Koch B, Schwarz M, Hoffmann KP, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2011). Altered error processing following vascular thalamic damage: Evidence from an antisaccade task. PLoS One. 6: e21517. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Kobza S, Thiele S, Daum I. (2011). Processing of expected and unexpected monetary performance outcomes in healthy older subjects. Behavioral Neuroscience. 125: 241-51. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2011). Mechanisms of cerebellar involvement in associative learning. Cortex. 47: 128-36.CrossRef
Peterburs J, Gajda K, Hoffmann KP, Daum I, Bellebaum C. (2011). Electrophysiological correlates of inter- and intrahemispheric saccade-related updating of visual space. Behavioural Brain Research. 216: 496-504. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Polezzi D, Daum I. (2010). It is less than you expected: The feedback-related negativity reflects violations of reward magnitude expectations. Neuropsychologia. 48: 3343-50. CrossRef
Peterburs J, Bellebaum C, Koch B, Schwarz M, Daum I. (2010). Working Memory and Verbal Fluency Deficits following Cerebellar Lesions: Relation to Interindividual Differences in Patient Variables. Cerebellum. 9: 375-83. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Kobza S, Thiele S, Daum I. (2010). It was not MY fault: Event-related brain potentials in active and observational learning from feedback. Cerebral Cortex. 20: 2874-83. CrossRef
Weiler JA, Bellebaum C, Brüne M, Juckel G, Daum I. (2009). Impairment of probabilistic reward-based learning in schizophrenia. Neuropsychology. 23: 571-80. CrossRef
Soei E, Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2009). Relational and non-relational memory: Electrophysiological correlates of novelty detection, repetition detection, and subsequent memory. European Journal of Neuroscience. 29: 388-98. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2008). Learning-related changes in reward expectancy are reflected in the feedback-related negativity. European Journal of Neuroscience. 27: 1823-35. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Koch B, Schwarz M, Daum I. (2008). Focal basal ganglia lesions are associated with impairments in reward-based reversal learning. Brain. 131: 829-41. CrossRef
Thoma P, Bellebaum C, Koch B, Schwarz M, Daum I. (2008). The Cerebellum Is Involved in Reward-based Reversal Learning. Cerebellum. 7: 433-43. CrossRef
Weiler JA, Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2008). Aging affects acquisition and reversal of reward-based associative learning. Learning & Memory. 15: 190-7. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2007). Cerebellar involvement in executive control. Cerebellum. 6: 184-92. CrossRef
Naumann A, Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2006). Cognitive deficits in narcolepsy. Journal of Sleep Research. 15: 329-38. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Hoffmann KP, Koch B, Schwarz M, Daum I. (2006). Altered processing of corollary discharge in thalamic lesion patients. European Journal of Neuroscience. 24: 2375-88. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2006). Time course of cross-hemispheric spatial updating in the human parietal cortex. Behavioural Brain Research. 169: 150-61. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I, Koch B, Schwarz M, Hoffmann KP. (2005). The role of the human thalamus in processing corollary discharge. Brain. 128: 1139-54. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Hoffmann KP, Daum I. (2005). Post-saccadic updating of visual space in the posterior parietal cortex in humans. Behavioural Brain Research. 163: 194-203. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2004). Fear, conditioning, and aging: theoretical comment on LaBar et al.. Behavioral Neuroscience. 118: 1137-9. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Daum I. (2004). Effects of age and awareness on eyeblink conditional discrimination learning. Behavioral Neuroscience. 118: 1157-65. CrossRef
Bellebaum C, Schäfers L, Schoch B, Wanke I, Stolke D, Forsting M, Daum I. (2004). Clipping versus coiling: neuropsychological follow up after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 26: 1081-92. CrossRef