Zur Person
Ghio, M., Cassone, B., & Tettamanti, M. (2025). Processing of Words Activates Experience-Derived Information in Conceptual-Semantic Brain Networks, Imaging Neuroscience.
Espey, L., Ghio, M., Bellebaum, C., & Bechtold, L. (2023). That means something to me: How linguistic and emotional experience affect the acquisition, representation, and processing of novel abstract concepts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
Bechtold, L., Bellebaum, C., & Ghio, M. (2023). When a sunny day gives you butterflies: an electrophysiological investigation of concreteness and context effects in semantic word processing, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Egan, S., Seidel, A., Weber, C., Ghio, M., & Bellebaum, C. (2024). Fifty Percent of the Time, Tones Come Every Time: Stronger Prediction Error Effects on Neurophysiological Sensory Attenuation for Self-generated Tones. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-17, 36(10), 2067–2083.
Egan, S., Ghio, M., & Bellebaum, C. (2023). Auditory N1 and P2 Attenuation in Action Observation: An Event-Related Potential Study Considering Effects of Temporal Predictability and Individualism. Biological Psychology, 108575.
Seidel, A., Weber, C., Ghio, M., & Bellebaum, C. (2023). My view on your actions: Dynamic changes in viewpoint-dependent auditory ERP attenuation during action observation. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 23(4), 1175-1191.
Ghio M, Conca F, Bellebaum C, Perani D, Tettamanti M (2022). Effective connectivity within the neural system for object-directed action representation during aware and unaware tool processing. Cortex, 153: 55-65.
Ghio M, Cara C, Tettamanti M (2021). The prenatal brain readiness for speech processing: A review on foetal development of auditory and primordial language networks. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews, 128: 709-719.
Seidel A, Ghio M, Studer B, Bellebaum C (2021). Illusion of control affects ERP amplitude reductions for auditory outcomes of self‐generated actions. Psychophysiology, 58(5): e13792.
Bechtold L, Bellebaum C, Hoffman P, Ghio M (2021). Corroborating behavioral evidence for the interplay of representational richness and semantic control in semantic word processing. Scientific reports, 11(1): 1-12.
Ghio M, Egan S, Bellebaum C (2021). Similarities and differences between performers and observers in processing auditory action consequences: Evidence from simultaneous EEG acquisition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(4): 683-694.
Junker FB, Schlaffke L, Bellebaum C, Ghio M, Brühl S, Axmacher N, Schmidt-Wilcke T (2020). Transition From Sublexical to Lexico-Semantic Stimulus Processing. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 14: 80.
Zimmermann E, Ghio M, Pergola G, Koch B, Schwarz M, Bellebaum C (2020). Separate and overlapping functional roles for efference copies in the human thalamus. Neuropsychologia, 147: 107558.
Bellebaum C, Ghio M, Wollmer M, Weismüller B, Thoma P (2020). The role of trait empathy in the processing of observed actions in a false-belief task. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 15(1): 53-61.
Paul M, Bellebaum C, Ghio M, Suchan B, Wolf OT (2019). Stress effects on learning and feedback‐related neural activity depend on feedback delay. Psychophysiology, 57(2): e13471.
Bechtold L, Ghio M, Antoch G, Turowski B, Wittsack HJ, Tettamanti M, Bellebaum C (2019). How words get meaning: The neural processing of novel object names after sensorimotor training. Neuroimage, 197: 284-294.
Bechtold L, Bellebaum C, Egan S, Tettamanti M, Ghio M (2019). The role of experience for abstract concepts: Expertise modulates the electrophysiological correlates of mathematical word processing. Brain and language, 188: 1-10.
Ngo T, Ghio M, Kuchinke L, Roser P, Bellebaum C (2019). Moral decision making under modafinil: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind crossover fMRI study. Psychopharmacology, 236(9): 2747-2759.
Ghio M, Locatelli M, Tettamanti A, Perani D, Gatti R, Tettamanti M (2018). Cognitive training with action-related verbs induces neural plasticity in the action representation system as assessed by gray matter brain morphometry. Neuropsychologia, 114: 186-194.
Ghio M, Scharmach K, Bellebaum C (2018). ERP correlates of processing the auditory consequences of own versus observed actions. Psychophysiology, 55(6): e13048.
Ghio M, Haegert K, Vaghi MM, Tettamanti M (2018). Sentential negation of abstract and concrete conceptual categories: a brain decoding multivariate pattern analysis study. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373(1752): 20170124.
Bechtold L, Ghio M, Bellebaum C (2018). The effect of training-induced visual imageability on electrophysiological correlates of novel word processing. Biomedicines, 6(3): 75.
Bechtold L, Ghio M, Lange J, Bellebaum C (2018). Event-related desynchronization of mu and beta oscillations during the processing of novel tool names. Brain and Language, 177: 44-55.
Weismüller B, Ghio M, Logmin K, Hartmann C, Schnitzler A, Pollok B, Südmeyer M, Bellebaum C (2018). Effects of feedback delay on learning from positive and negative feedback in patients with Parkinson's disease off medication. Neuropsychologia, 117: 46-54.
Ghio M, Schulze P, Suchan B, Bellebaum C (2016). Neural representations of novel objects associated with olfactory experience. Behavioural Brain Research, 308: 143-151.
Ghio M, Tettamanti M (2016) Grounding sentence processing in the sensory-motor system. In: G. Hickok S. Small (eds.): The Neurobiology of Language, Elsevier, pp. 647-657.
Ghio M, Vaghi MMS, Perani D, Tettamanti M (2016). Decoding the neural representation of fine-grained conceptual categories. Neuroimage, 132: 93-103.
Bambini V, Ghio M, Moro A, Schumacher PB (2013). Differentiating among pragmatic uses of words through timed sensicality judgments. Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 938.
Ghio M, Vaghi MMS, Tettamanti M (2013). Fine-grained semantic categorization across the abstract and concrete domains. PloS One, 8(6): e67090.
Ghio M, Tettamanti M (2010). Semantic domain-specific functional integration for action-related vs. abstract concepts. Brain and Language, 112(3): 223-232.