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Curriculum Vitae

Foto von Fabian Gümüsdagli

Wiss. Mitarbeiter

M.Sc. Fabian Gümüsdagli
Gebäude: 23.02
Etage/Raum: 01.29
+49 211 81-10437


Dienstags 10:00 - 11:00
Bitte schreiben Sie mir spätestens bis zum Vortag, wenn Sie in meine Sprechstunde möchten.

Curriculum Vitae


Oct. 2023 Licensed Psychological Psychotherapist (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Aug. 2020 Master of Science in Psychology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Jul. 2018 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf



Since Oct. 2021 Doctoral Student at the Department for Mathematical and Cognitive Psychology, Institute for Experimental Psychology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
June 2019 – Sept. 2021 Student Assistant at the Department for Mathematical and Cognitive Psychology, Institute for Experimental Psychology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
May 2018 – Sept. 2020 Student Assistant at the Department for Clinical Psychology, Institute for Experimental Psychology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Research Interests

  • Prospective Memory
  • Mathematical Modeling, especially hierarchical multinomial processing tree modeling


Journal articles with peer review

Singmann, H., Heck, D. W., Barth, M., Erdfelder, E., Arnold, N. R., Aust, F., Calanchini, J., Gümüsdagli, F. E., Horn, S. S., Kellen, D., Klauer, K. C., Matzke, D., Meissner, F., Michalkiewicz, M., Schaper, M. L., Stahl, C., Kuhlmann, B. G., & Groß, J. (2024). Evaluating the robustness of parameter estimates in cognitive models: A meta-analytic review of multinomial processing tree models across the multiverse of estimation methods. Psychological Bulletin. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000434

Schmidt, N., Menéndez-Granda, M., Münger, R., Reber, T. P., Bayen, U. J., Gümüsdagli, F. E., Hering, A., Joly-Burra, E., Kliegel, M., & Peter, J. (2023). Modulating prospective memory and attentional control with high-definition transcranial current stimulation: Study protocol of a randomized, double-blind, and sham-controlled trial in healthy older adults. PLoS ONE, 18(8), e0289532. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0289532


Gümüsdagli, F. E., & Bayen, U. J. (2023, September). A new multinomial model of event-based prospective memory: disentangling the prospective and both retrospective components. Poster at the 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Porto, Portugal.

Cezar, D., Bayen, U. J., Gümüsdagli, F. E., Peick, V., & Michalkiewicz, M. (2023, September). Cognitive covariates of primary-school children’s clustering in free recall. Poster at the 25th Meeting of the Division of Developmental Psychology (EPSY) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Berlin, Germany.

Gümüsdagli, F. E. (2021, March). Integration of continuous data into MPT modeling. What are the possibilities? Invited talk at the colloquium of the training group Statistical Modeling in Psychology (SMiP). Mannheim, Germany (virtual).


  • Computer-Based Data Analysis (Master)
  • Multivariate methods (Master)
  • Supervision of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses