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Registration for the group allocation to the individual seminar groups in Module J “Clinical Psychology” (MSc Psychology, 3rd semester) is possible from 13.09.2024, 08:00 to 27.09.2024, 23:59 via the following online form:


This semester we are again offering the seminar in different formats. Please note the different formats when selecting your seminar. You will receive all further information from your respective lecturer.

For the group allocation, we ask you to indicate your preferred order for the groups offered. Please note that it makes no difference at which point within the specified period you submit your preferences. The allocation to the groups is based on all preferences submitted during this period. We will then try to take your preferences into account as far as possible when allocating you to groups.

You will be informed by 02.10.2024 via ILIAS which group you have been assigned to.

After completing the form, please join the ILIAS group Module J. This will make it easier for us to assign you to your group. A link to join the ILIAS group will be visible after submitting the online form.


Registration for the group assignment to the individual seminar groups in Module F "Clinical Psychology" is possible from Monday, 11.03.2024, 08:00 to Wednesday, 20.03.2024, 23:59 via the following online form:


This semester we are again offering the seminar in different formats. Please note the different formats when selecting your seminar. You will receive all further information from your respective lecturer.

For the group assignment, we ask you to indicate your preferred order for the groups offered. Please note that it makes no difference at which point within the specified period you submit your preferences. The allocation to the groups is based on all preferences submitted during this period. We will then try to take your preferences into account as far as possible when assigning you to groups.

You are expected to be informed by 24.03.2024 via ILIAS about which group you have been assigned to.

After completing the form, please join the ILIAS group Module F: Clinical Psychology with the password Skinner. This will make it easier for us to assign you to your group. A link to join the ILIAS group will be visible after submitting the online form.


On October 19, Dr. Martin Löffler was awarded first prize in the "Clinical Research" category of the 2023 Pain Research Award at the German Pain Congress for his work "Corticostriatal circuits in the transition to chronic back pain: The predictive role of reward learning"!


Today we would like to congratulate Lisa and Benjamin! Both passed their state exams to practice as a psychological psychotherapist at the end of August and are now officially licensed psychological psychotherapists after receiving their certificates! With Dr. Simon Desch, we now have three psychological psychotherapists in our department.


With great pleasure we would like to announce that we now have another postdoc in our department!  This time, however, not new at HHU or new in our research group, but by completing his PhD.  We warmly congratulate Dr. Simon Desch on completing his doctorate and also on his license to practice as a psychological psychotherapist!


Registration for the group assignment to the individual groups of the seminar "Clinical Expert Opinion Preparation" (Module F MSc Psychology, 1st semester) is possible until Wednesday 18.10.2023, 10:00 a.m. via the following online form:


This semester we offer the seminar again in different formats. Please note the different formats when making your seminar selection. You will receive all further information from your respective instructor.

For group assignment, please indicate your preferred order for the groups offered. Please note that it does not make any difference at which time within the indicated period you submit your preferences. Allocation to groups will be based on all preferences submitted during that time period. We will then try to take your preferences into account as much as possible in the group assignment.

You will be notified by 10/20/2023 via group assignment via ILIAS which group you have been assigned to.

Please join the ILIAS group of the seminar "Clinical Expert Opinion Preparation" after filling out the form. This will make it easier for us to assign you to your group. A link to join the ILIAS group will be visible after submitting the online form.


Registration Group Assignment Module J "Clinical Psychology I" Winter Semester 2023/34

Dear students,

the period for preference submission has ended. If you would like to be subsequently assigned to a group with still available places, please write to Mr. Simon Desch ().


The registration for the group assignment to the individual seminar groups in module J "Clinical Psychology I" (MSc Psychology, 3rd semester) is from 26.09.2023, 09:00 a.m. available until 01.10.2023, 23:59 p.m. via the following online form:


This semester we are again offering the seminar in different formats. Please note the different formats when choosing your seminar. You will receive all further information from your respective lecturer for further information.

For the group assignment we ask you to indicate your preferred order for the groups offered. Please note that it makes no difference at which point in the at which point in the specified period you submit your preferences. The allocation to the groups will be made based on all preferences submitted during this period. We will then try to accommodate your preferences as best as possible in the group allocation as far as possible.

You will be informed by 06.10.2023 by group assignment via ILIAS about which group you have been assigned to.

After filling out the form, please join the ILIAS group module J. By doing so you make it easier for us to assign you to your group. A link to join the ILIAS group will be available after you have the online form.


Today, two new employees have started working for us. A warm welcome to our new research staff member Benjamin and to our student assistant Giulia!


"Two sides of the same coin? How the intersections of pain and reward affect perception and behavior in healthy state and in disease" - On June 28, 2023, Prof. Dr. Susanne Becker will give one of the keynote lectures at the 21st World Congress of Psychophysiology in Geneva. In her talk, she will address the psychobiological mechanisms of pain and reward, and how they modulate not only our behavior but also our perception. There will be a particular focus on the intersection of mechanisms, as well as the role of the neurotransmitter dopamine, neural correlates, and changes in disease states. More information about the congress and the keynote lecture can be found .


As of today a new student assistant has joined our team. Welcome, Lara!


Registration Group Assignment Module F Summer Semester 2023

Dear students of the first, soon to be second master's semester,

The preference submission period has ended. If you would like to be subsequently assigned to a group with places still available, please write to Dr. Friederike Barthels ().


Today a new member joined our scientific staff! A warm welcome to Dr. Martin Löffler!


The current episode of the HHU podcast "Zuckerschoten" is about pain! Together with other professors, Prof. Dr. Susanne Becker has examined the topic from different fields of expertise. What is the difference between chronic and acute pain? Can we alleviate all pain today? Can we treat ourselves to a really nice vacation from the pain compensation money? And how is pain depicted in medieval art? To find out the answer to these questions, listen to the podcast here or on Spotify.


In a recent publication in the journal eLife, Simon Desch and colleagues investigated the modulation of pain relief and corresponding neurochemical basis. They used a probabilistic pain relief task that either actively or passively induces a reduction of a tonic thermal pain stimulus. To explore the neurochemical bases, this task was embedded in a double-blind crossover design. To find out which factors modulate pain relief, as well as which neurotransmitters play a role in this process, click here.


Another research assistant has joined our group today! Welcome, Nora!


Although not new to HHU, but still new to our department, Dr. Friederike Barthels joined us today! Welcome to our research group, Friederike!


Another new employee: As of today, Christine Beuer has joined our department as a secretary. Welcome, Christine!


Today Samuel Mertens started as a research assistant in our department. A warm welcome!


New publication in Pain: In her newest publication, Prof. Dr. Susanne Becker and colleagues have investigated the neural and behavioral correlates of pain avoidance in humans with and without episodic migraine. To find out how this manifests itself, click here.


New publication in The Journal of Pain: In a cross-sectional study, Prof. Dr. Susanne Becker and colleagues assessed the prevalence of phantom limb pain and non-painful phantom phenomena in persons with limb amputation. To access the publication, click here.

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