Olfactory perception in depressive disorders with special reference to cognitive function and age
Sylvia Waldmann
Düsseldorf, 2021
The effects of sexual orientation on the perception and the processing of weakly emotional stimuli
Dunja Storch
Düsseldorf, 2020
The influence of sexual orientation on social interaction
Charlotte Sachse
Düsseldorf, 2018
Amygdala compensation during short- and long-term changes in social-emotional and non-social-emotional contexts
Alexandra Patin
Düsseldorf, 2017
Mu-activity as an indicator of empathic processes
Matthias Hoenen
Düsseldorf, 2016
Social behavior in humans is affected by chemosensory signals of aggression
Sabine Schlösser
Düsseldorf, 2014
Studies on the social and spatial perception of the domestic pigeon (Columba livia f. dom.)
Mareike Fellmin
Düsseldorf, 2013
Perception and regulation of emotions elicited by chemosensory signals in socially anxious individuals
Dirk Adolph
Düsseldorf, 2011
The effects of sexual orientation on human chemosensory communication
Katrin Lübke
Düsseldorf, 2010
Development of a psychophysical performance test assessing olfactory disrimination ability
Roland Weierstall
Düsseldorf, 2009
Central-nervous, vegetative, perceptual and behavioural adaptations in pregnant and non-pregnant women and girls to human chemosensory anxiety signals
Anne Ohrt
Düsseldorf, 2007
Perception of chemosensory anxiety signals: An fMRI study
Alexander Prehn
Düsseldorf, 2007
Cognitive modulation of central nervous odor processing
Joachim H. Laudien
Kiel, 2006
Central-nervous information processing of food related stimuli in restrained and unrestrained eaters and patients with eating disorders
Claudia Müller
Kiel, 2005
Effects of medication on early olfactory perception in patients with Major Depression
Martin Laudien
Kiel, 2003