Prof. Dr. Tobias Kalenscher
Principle Investigator
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Building: 23.12
Floor/room: 00.45
Office Hours
Today, January 15th, 2025, the consultation hours will take place online. Please send an email if necessary.
On January 22nd, 2025, the consultation hours will be cancelled
Secretary Office
Birgit Brenner
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Building: 23.12
Floor/room: 00.47
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday:08:30-13:00
Tuesday: 09:00-13:30
Scientific Staff
M.Sc. José Michele Dören
+49 211-81-15154
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Building: 23.02
Floor/room: 00.88
Dr. Paul Forbes
+49 211-81-12360
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Building: 23.02
Floor/room: 00.84
M.Sc. Luca Marie Lüpken
Ph.D. Student
+49 211-81-15154
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Building: 23.02
Floor/room: 00.88
Dr. Sandra Schäble
Post doc & Labmanager
+49 211-81-12358
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Building: 23.12
Floor/room: 00.49
M. Sc. Maurice Zech
Ph.D. Student
+49 211-81-15719
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Building: 23.02.
Floor/room: 00.90
Technical Staff
Sara Kolonko
Veterinary Assistant
0211 8111924
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Building: 23.12.
Floor/room: 00.47
Milan Srejic
Director/Engineering Lab
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Building: 23.02
Floor/room: U1.84
Student Assistants
Ann-Cathrin Conrads
Student assistant
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Building: 23.02
Floor/room: 00.82
Julian Grefer
Research assistant
Building: 23.02
Floor/room: 00.82
Karina Offermanns
Student assistant
Building: 23.02
Floor/room: 00.82