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Pregnancy is considered a very sensitive phase that is accompanied by many biological and psychological changes. In addition to positive feelings, such as the anticipation of the baby and assuming the role of mother, women also report fears and worries, both pregancy and birth related. The time can therefore also be perceived as challenging and stressful and have a negative impact on maternal well-being.

In a cooperation project with the University Hospital Düsseldorf, we would like to use a longitudinal survey to record the maternal well-being of women who may find this time particularly challenging. To this end, the participants complete a total of four 10-minute questionnaires from the last trimester of pregnancy up to eight weeks after the birth. The focus is on the woman's emotional state, such as her current stress level, general anxiety, fear of childbirth and her expectations and experience of childbirth

We also want to examine whether taking part in a relaxation course in the last trimester of pregnancy can strengthen the mental well-being of expectant mothers. To this end, the participants will be randomly divided into two groups so that half of the women will practise a relaxation method together with other pregnant women online for four weeks in addition to the questionnaires. The aim is to investigate whether pregnant women can benefit from regular use of active relaxation, by analysing aspects such as self-efficacy, emotional state and mother-child bond.

The contact person for the study is Romina Bergmann. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: twist-studie(at)hhu.de

Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. Martin Heil : Contact by e-mail